Ever wondered that even rice could have been once forbidden for many? It’s true. And we are here to tell you about this once luxurious food item. This is one of the healthier options in the rice family and has a very rich and complex flavour.


Traces of this variety of rice is found back in China when they consumed black rice for several ailments. Rice was available in several colours and soon it was found that colour preference sought its prevalence. Because of its taste, black rice was monopolised by the wealthy; only for those who were royalty. It was forbidden for everyone else which is how it earned its famous title – forbidden rice. Forbidden rice is no longer forbidden and you can find it almost anywhere. Find organic black rice online at I Say Organic and give this “forbidden fruit” (or rice) a shot.


In modern times, this rice is quite a food up for debate. Some find appeal in including black rice in their daily diets, while others contemplate whether it’s better to consider the other varieties that are healthier. Nonetheless, this particular variety boasts health benefits we cannot turn a blind eye to. So, organic black rice whole foods are something you should try adding to your food regime.


What Is Black Rice And Why Is It Black In colour?

Black rice or purple rice as it is also called, belongs to the rice species of Oryza Sativa which was first found in China. Later it saw its spread in the rest of the Asian continent. Generally, its outermost layer is not shedded which makes it like unrefined rice. This specific rice includes a range of rice varieties like the Indonesian black rice, the Thai jasmine black rice, the Philippine balatinaw black rice etc.




This variety of rice usually has a deep black colour and once cooked, turns a deep purple. The reason behind its colour is a pigment called anthocyanin. This pigment is water soluble and depending on the pH levels can take red, purple, black or blue as its colour. This is the same pigment that gives brinjals and blueberries its colour.


Benefits Of Black Rice

Let’s take a look at some organic black rice benefits:


1] Antioxidant Properties

The pigment that gives black rice its purplish, deep black hue is anthocyanin. This pigment is present in the outermost layer of the rice and has antioxidant properties that help against inflammation. Antioxidants are known to protect against free radicals and this particular pigment restricts their movements. Thus, it helps in protecting against cardiovascular diseases.


2] Diabetes Regulation

Anthocyanins also regulate our blood sugar levels, in turn promoting diabetes management. This is because the fibre present in the rice helps in regulating glucose and absorbing it which ensures our blood sugar levels remain consistent.


3] Natural Detoxifier

Yet another one of the organic black rice benefits is that it works as a good detoxifier, flushing out all the toxins present in our bodies. This is possible because of the presence of phytonutrients. They also cleanse our body from all sorts of disease-causing free radicals which benefits us in remaining healthy.


4] Improves Heart Health

Organic black rice helps in maintaining cholesterol levels by reducing the bad cholesterol which contributes to various heart diseases. It also flushes out excess cholesterol which helps in keeping blood pressure levels in check.


5] Is Good For Your Skin

Black rice benefits for skin include promoting healthy and glossy skin. The presence of Vitamin E content in black rice is what makes this happen. It is a natural antioxidant which tightens your skin and gives it that healthy look.


Nutritional Factors Of Black Rice

Black rice is highly nutritious and has the highest protein content compared to other varieties of rice. It is rich in antioxidants, calcium, potassium and zinc. Each uncooked serving has about 160 calories, about 1 to 1.5 grams of fat, 4 to 5 grams of protein and 4 to 6% of iron. It also has around 1 to 1.5 grams of fibre content.


Black Rice Recipes And Dishes

Black rice can be cooked just like your normal white rice – boiled, in a rice cooker or using the pasta method. There are several dishes where you can incorporate this variety of rice. Salads are one very common dish that you will find when you try to look up a recipe. You can also swap the normal rice that you use for black rice in any rice dish. Many recipes also use black rice in side dishes. From risottos to rice bowls and dessert recipes, this food item is very versatile. Ultimately, the choice when it comes to how you want to use this ingredient rests on you. Want to explore this variety? buy organic black rice at I Say Organic.


How black rice can be used for the body?

Apart from including black rice in your diet, there are other ways to reap its benefits too. For instance, for healthy glowing skin, you can use organic black rice powder with honey and use it as a face pack. You can also boil black rice and use the water for hair growth. Boil black rice in water for about 10-15 minutes. Let it cool. Apply the black rice over your hair and let it sit for half an hour. Rinse using your normal shower routine.


How To Store Organic Black Rice?

You can store uncooked organic black rice in a cool and dry place, in an airtight container. Make sure that it does not come in contact with any form of moisture. The shelf life for uncooked organic black rice is between 3 to 6 months if you store it in your pantry. If you open the package, then you can store it in your refrigerator. To store cooked organic black rice, pack it in an airtight container, ensuring it does not come in contact with the humidity of the environment. You can refrigerate it for about 4 days before it is used again.


Of course, before trying out something fairly new we all have our doubts. But, sometimes it is a good thing to explore a little. When it comes to food, we want to make no mistakes. Perhaps, you have a little bit of a spark of interest now in trying forbidden rice. Find the best organic black rice at I Say Organic and give this new variety a shot.


About I Say Organic

We aim to deliver organically grown food to every home for a healthy lifestyle and a healthy planet. Find the most authentic organic foods online with no compromises in taste whatsoever. Buy organic black rice whole foods, organic black rice powder and also explore our range of fruits & vegetables, organic snacks, dried spices, cooking essentials, dry fruits & seeds, whole foods and much more at one place only.



Q1] Can you eat black rice daily?

A1] Yes, black rice can be consumed daily as it is healthier than the other varieties.


Q2] Should black rice be soaked before cooking?

A2] It is not necessary to soak black rice however, if you prefer to, you can soak it for an hour before cooking. You can also soak it overnight.

What Is Black Rice?

Black rice, popularly known as forbidden rice or purple rice, is one of the rarest rice varieties of the Oryza sativa species. It first originated in China and then spread to other parts of Asia around 10,000 years ago. As per studies, soon, over time, some cultures started crossbreeding rice grains to get steady colouration. Black rice is best known for its taste, colour, and health benefits.


Traditionally, black rice was used in Chinese medications and reserved for the aristocracy. Earlier, it was reserved for Chinese emperors to ensure their longevity and was forbidden for others. They are also known as emperor’s rice or forbidden rice.


The low yield compared to other rice makes it rare. It consists of more than 20 varieties of rice that have a high quantity of pigment, anthocyanin. This pigment is responsible for deep colour and is also found in eggplant and blueberries. When cooked or soaked, the grains turn purple.


Most of the back rice varieties have a nutty flavour except for Chinese black rice, which is fruity and mildly sweet. The texture of black rice is chewy, so often used to prepare porridges, cakes, and puddings. Also, the best thing is black rice benefits people with gluten intolerance and celiac diseases as it is naturally gluten-free.


Usually, black rice is sold as whole grain with the outer layer, bran intact. So, technically it is a type of unrefined rice. It comes in short-grained and long-grained varieties. The most common variety of black rice includes:


Black Sticky Rice: Used in Thai desserts

Black Japonica Rice: Used in California for rice salads

Chinese Black Rice: Used in Zhejiang in northern China

Black Rice Nutrition

Black rice is among the most nutritious rice varieties and is considered a superfood. It has more iron, protein, and fibres than regular brown rice. Also, it is rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins, amino acids, healthy fatty acids, and other antioxidants that add to its nutritional value. The micro and macronutrients present in the black rice are-


  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotene
  • Anthocyanin
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Chromium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Copper

The black rice nutrition per quarter cup of uncooked black rice includes-


Calories: 173 Kcal

Carbohydrate: 38 gm

Fat: 2 gm

Protein 5 gm

Dietary fibres: 3 gm

Sugar: 1 gm

Sodium: 4 milligram

The long-grained variety is healthy compared to the short-grained variety, with less starch and a low glycemic index.

Black Rice Benefits

Black rice is high in both fat-soluble and water-soluble antioxidants. As per studies, it has multiple health benefits. The black rice benefits include-


  1. Excellent Source of Protein and Iron

100 gms of black rice has 9 gm protein while the same serving of brown rice has 7 gm of protein. Also, black rice provides 3.5 milligrams of iron per 100 gm of serving. Iron helps body cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Black rice protein helps in maintaining body functions and repairing damaged tissues.


  1. Loaded with Antioxidants

Studies show black rice has the highest antioxidants among the other rice varieties. The anthocyanin fights against the oxidative stress of the body. It also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and certain types of cancer like breast cancer and colorectal cancer. Black rice has 23 more plant compounds such as flavonoids and carotenoids with antioxidant properties other than anthocyanin.


  1. Packed with Amino Acids

There are around 18 different types of amino acids present in black rice crucial for body functions, repair, and regeneration of damaged cells. It also maintains the energy levels of the body.


  1. Supports Heart Health

Black rice benefits heart health by regulating cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Healthy levels of cholesterol and glucose levels support heart health and reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. As per studies, regular consumption of black rice also prevents the formation of plaque deposits in the blood vessels leading to smooth blood flow. It prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack.


  1. Good for Eyes

Vitamin E and carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin in black rice benefit eye health. It also protects against age-related eye degeneration that can also lead to blindness. Antioxidants also reduce the impact of UV radiation on the eyes.


  1. Fights Inflammation

As per studies, the antioxidants in black rice reduce inflammation and increase the production of anti-inflammatory compounds. It fights the free radical damage of the cell and strengthens the immune system. It also treats diseases associated with long-term inflammations.


  1. Supports Cancer Therapies

As per studies, Anthocyanins inhibits the growth of cancerous cells. It supports cancer therapy by preventing it from spreading to other organs. It also blocks the blood supply to the tumour and suppresses its growth. Also, as per studies, it suppresses the spread and growth of breast cancer.


  1. Improves Liver Health

Fat accumulation in the liver can lead to fatty liver disease. As per studies, the antioxidants in black rice benefit the liver by reducing the deposition of fats in liver cells. They also restore normal functions of the liver.


  1. Aids in Digestion

Black rice has rich fibre content that aids in regulating bowel movements. The fibres swell and absorb water and toxins. It adds bulk to the stools and helps easily remove waste from the body. It also prevents bloating, constipation and maintains a healthy gut.


  1. Detoxifies the Body

The high antioxidant content in black rice helps the body get rid of harmful toxins. The plant nutrients in it pull out toxins and prevent the onset of several diseases related to it.


  1. Healthy Brain

As per studies, black rice nutrients improves memory, learning, and cognitive functions. It limits the harmful effects of ageing and protects brain cells against damage.


  1. Black Rice Benefits for Diabetes

Black rice benefits diabetes by exhibiting glucose reducing properties. Here is how it benefits-


Black rice has a low glycemic index, which means its sugar is absorbed more slowly.

It provides stable energy and avoids sugar spikes in the blood.

It helps in the management of Diabetes Mellitus by improving insulin sensitivity.

Black rice enhances the activity of glucose transporters and pushes glucose in cells rather than present in the blood. It helps in controlling glucose levels in the blood.

Also, the anthocyanins present has starch digesting enzymes, which prevents glucose absorption.

  1. Black Rice Benefits for Weight Loss

The black rice diet protects against obesity and disorders associated with it. As per studies, dietary fibres in black rice keep you full for longer periods and curbs hunger. Black rice benefits weight loss by reducing calorie intake.


Also, Black rice reduces high cholesterol levels in the blood. It suppresses the action of enzymes that are responsible for cholesterol production. It also helps in reducing body weight.


Incorporate a healthy amount of black rice in your diet with healthy low-fat ingredients for a successful weight loss regime. It is also suitable for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance.


Also Read: Yoga for Weight Loss: Easy & Best Yoga Postures for Weight Loss


  1. Black Rice Benefits for Hair

Black rice is great for your hair because it is high in antioxidants. It also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair. Black Rice Benefits for hair are as follows-


Boost hair growth

Treats split ends

Add volumes

Moisturises and nourishes the hair roots

Makes hair shiny

Strengthens hair inside out

Helps get rid of dandruff

  1. Black Rice Benefits for Skin

As per studies, the antioxidant-rich black rice benefits the skin by reducing oxidative cell damage. It fights skin ageing. Though research is still ongoing, it is also found to help treat eczema, hay fever, and skin allergies.


How to Cook Black Rice?

Although it has a different hue still, cooking black rice is similar to brown rice. It only takes a longer time to cook. You can steam it, boil it, or cook it in a pressure cooker. There are several ways to cook black rice, depending upon the black rice variety. For instance, If the variety is non-glutinous, then soak for 30 minutes and rinse it before cooking.


Soaking the black rice prior to cooking can reduce the cooking time. It is best to soak it 1 hour before cooking. One should not soak it overnight as it can affect the texture of cooked rice.


The three most common ways to cook black rice are-


Electric Rice Cooker: Change the settings to brown rice and add water as indicated.

Stovetop Absorption Method: Take a cup of rice and two cups of water in it. Boil for around 30-60 minutes. When it has a tender texture and water is absorbed, it is ready to eat.

Pasta Method: Cook 6 cups of water to a cup of rice. Remove the excess water after cooking. It is considered the best method to reduce the risk of arsenic eating present naturally in the rice.

Uncooked black rice can be stored in airtight containers to prevent contamination. They should be kept in cool, dry, and dark places for up to 6 months. Whereas cooked black rice should be kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container. They will stay fresh for about 3-5 days.


How to Include Black Rice in Your Diet?

You can use black rice instead of white or brown rice to prepare dishes. You can eat them with curries just like white rice. It can serve as an excellent base for salads and vegetable bowls. It can be used to make sushi, puddings and desserts.


Another delicious way is to add black rice dishes to the diet. There are many recipes, but a few black rice recipes are-


Black rice paella

Black rice porridge with berries

Black rice risotto

Sweet potato and gluten-free rice grains

Black glutinous rice pudding

Chinese black rice cake

Black rice dessert porridge

Chicken soup with Chinese black rice

Black Rice vs Brown Rice

The black and brown rice are similar in consistency and flavour. You might be wondering, which one is better, black rice vs brown rice? Though both are healthy, here are the nutritional facts of ¼ cup cooked rice serving-


Black rice:

4 grams protein

32 grams carbohydrates

2.3 grams fibre

0.8-gram sugars

0.7-milligram iron

The highest amount of antioxidants of any rice variety

Brown rice:

1.9 grams protein

19.5 grams carbohydrates

1.1 grams fibre

0 grams sugars

11 grams calcium

0.4-milligram iron

In comparison, black rice has the highest antioxidants, protein, dietary fibres, iron, and also vitamin E, but brown rice has fewer carbohydrates.


Black Rice Side Effects

Like any other rice, black rice absorbs arsenic from the soil. To reduce arsenic consumption, always rinse the rice before cooking. You can also cook rice in excess water and then drain the remaining after cooking. As per a study, cooking black rice in a coffee pot can also reduce arsenic by around 85%.


Also, excess consumption may lead to black rice side effects, such as high blood sugar levels if you don’t keep an eye on the portion size.


Summing Up on Black Rice Benefits

Though not very common, black rice or forbidden rice is a healthier alternative to all other rice varieties. It is loaded with antioxidants, iron, fibres, and protein. The black rice benefits include boosting heart, liver, eye, and brain health. It also lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels.


The nutritious black rice variety is perfect for those who want to shed extra kilos and have gluten allergies. Be mindful of the portion size to avoid any side effects.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can We Eat Black Rice Daily?

Yes, we can eat black rice daily. It offers excellent health benefits and is suitable for people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. It is best to be mindful about the portions of black rice to avoid extra calories. Regular consumption of black rice boosts eye, heart, and brain health. It also aids in weight loss and protects against cancers, including breast and colorectal cancer.


Is Black Rice the Healthiest Rice?

Yes, among all rice varieties, black rice is the healthiest. It has more protein, fibres, vitamin E, iron, and antioxidants.


Black rice also has a lower glycemic index, so it means it will slowly release sugar in the blood, preventing sugar spikes. It is also high in fibre, around 4.7 grams per 100 grams and has the highest antioxidants compared to other rice varieties.


Is Black or White Rice Better?

Yes, black rice is better than white rice. While white rice has 6.3 grams of protein per 100 grams, black rice has 9.1 grams of protein. It has more antioxidants and fibres than white rice, not just protein.


Does Black Rice Make You Poop?

Yes, if you have constipation, black rice can make you poop. The high fibre content in black rice swells to absorb water and toxins. They will bulk up the stool and provide easy passage of it.


Also Read: Red Rice Benefits: A Complete Guide To Nutrition, Recipes And More



Haruyo Ichikawa, December 2001; Antioxidant Activity of Anthocyanin Extract from Purple Black Rice –

Jie Zhou, December 2017; Black rice-derived anthocyanins inhibit HER-2-positive breast cancer epithelial-mesenchymal transition-mediated metastasis in vitro by suppressing FAK signaling –

Pornngarm Limtrakul, 2015; Suppression of Inflammatory Responses by Black Rice Extract in RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells via Downregulation of NF-kB and AP-1 Signaling Pathways –


All About ‘The Forbidden Rice’

Due to freely available health-related online content in recent times, the curiosity towards healthy diets has increased. In a bid to make sure the food consumed has all the essential nutrients, people have also started including black rice in their daily meals. The benefits of black rice surpass the benefits offered by other kinds of rice, while also fulfilling the nutritional value generally associated with other rice products. With the highest antioxidant activity among all other rice varieties, this variety of rice appears to have a deep black colour which then transitions to purple once cooked. Read on to learn more about the black rice benefits and side effects.


Health Benefits of Black Rice

There are several black rice advantages that make it an ideal addition to your regular meals. Some of these are:


  1. May improve heart health

While a lot of studies are still being conducted regarding black rice’s benefits, earlier studies indicate that eating black rice could enhance the health of your heart and protect you against a range of cardiac-related illnesses and diseases.


  1. May have anti-cancer benefits

The anthocyanins found in black rice are widely known to have beneficial antioxidant properties, but tentative research also suggests that they may offer anti-cancer benefits. A test-tube study found that the prevalence of anthocyanins in black rice resulted in reducing the number of breast cancer cells while also their spread and risk.


  1. Support eye health

Carotenoids, namely, lutein and zeaxanthin, are found in abundance in black rice. While carotenoids are helpful for many reasons, these two, in particular, have been found to have beneficial advantages for eye health, including in protecting the eyes from being damaged by free radicals and also in protecting the retina by filtration of the harmful blue light waves.


  1. Gluten-free

Gluten is a type of protein commonly found in many of the food items we routinely consume. However, in recent times, people have become more aware of the harmful effects of gluten and have tried to remove it from their diets. Gluten is especially harmful to people suffering from celiac disease since the compound triggers the body’s immune response, which could damage the small intestine. For people who have gluten sensitivity, it could also result in harmful gastrointestinal side effects. Since black rice contains no gluten, it is an extremely helpful option for those sensitive to the effects of gluten and those wishing to remove gluten from their diets entirely.


  1. Diabetes Management

Black rice’s advantages in terms of diabetes management also stem from its high content of anthocyanins, which helps lower blood sugar levels. Additionally, such chemicals improve insulin sensitivity and enable the body to better use glucose. As the anthocyanins in black rice help in reducing the digestion of sugar in the small intestine, it helps keep blood sugar levels low.


  1. Prevent the Risk of Obesity

Since black rice is packed with fibres, it makes you feel full, thus preventing overeating. Not only this, but studies also show that black rice can prevent insulin resistance which may help prevent the risk of obesity.


  1. Acts as a Detoxifier

Black rice contains phytonutrients that help the body eliminate harmful disease-causing toxins that are caused by free radicals.




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Adverse Effects of Consuming Black Rice

No studies have yet observed any side effects of consuming black rice. However, too much of anything can be harmful, right? Since black rice is rich in fibres, eating too much black rice may cause gastrointestinal issues like stomach upset, gas, bloating, etc. So, you must consult your doctor before adding this rice to your diet.


Uses of Black Rice in Home Remedies

Substitute to Regular Rice

If you are following a weight loss diet and are looking for a low-carb replacement for white rice, black rice is what you need. Black rice works well in a weight-loss diet as a home remedy to obesity as it has a high fibre and protein content along with very low carbs and calories. You can also add black rice to your salads.

Black Rice Water for Skin

Black rice is rich in Vitamin E and natural antioxidants that are responsible for enhancing and tightening the skin to keep it healthy and glossy. Having a cup of black rice or black rice water helps you maintain good skin.

Fermented Black Rice Water for Hair

A common Chinese practice is to wash the hair with fermented black rice water. They follow this to keep the scalp and hair nourished with all the essential nutrients present in black rice. Another common hack for hair damage protection is applying a mix of black rice water and aloe vera gel.


Ensuring that our diets constitute the most essential nutrients is often the best way of guarding against illnesses and diseases and adding black rice to your diet is one way to do the same. Similarly, it is important to safeguard your financial health in case of any unforeseen healthcare expenses. For this purpose, it is important to have a health insurance plan in place. Head over to Finserv MARKETS to know more.

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